Monthly Archives: April 2024

Concussion and Dog Attack Injuries
When a dog lunges at you, knocks you down, and bites you, the first thing you worry about is usually the bite injury. Will you need stitches? If the dog bites your hand, will you need surgery, and when will you be able to write again? Likewise, if a dog knocks you down, but… Read More »

What Happens If a Rescue Dog Bites You?
In Georgia dog bite injury cases, dogs are innocent until proven guilty. It is the plaintiff’s duty to prove that he or she did not provoke the dog to bite and, if applicable, to prove that the dog had a history of aggression. Likewise, “no kill” shelters give dogs the benefit of the doubt,… Read More »

Homeowners’ Insurance and Your Dog Bite Claim
Personal injury lawyers file fewer lawsuits than their websites and advertising billboards might lead you to believe. It is usually possible for personal injury attorneys to get clients the money they need without going to court. This is true not only in car accident and slip and fall claims, but also in dog bite… Read More »

Umbrella Insurance and Your Dog Bite Case
Most of us buy insurance policies either because the law requires it or because a family member or lawyer advises us to buy it, and we do not give much thought to what the insurance policy does or does not cover until we need to file a claim. You might watch your car insurance… Read More »