Monthly Archives: August 2023

Tips to Keep Babies and Toddlers Safe from Dog Bites
Children and dogs have always shared a special bond, and it is this closeness that can also make kids vulnerable to dog bites from unpredictable canines. Statistics indicate that just over half of all victims are children, and the highest rate for child dog bites is the age group from 5 to 9 years… Read More »

What Does a “Classified” Dog Mean Under Georgia Dog Bite Laws?
The body of dog bite laws in the US comes from multiple sources, and the oldest is the common law. Our judicial system was based upon the concept of precedent, which means prior court decisions dictate the rights of victims. However, many US states have supplemented common law dog bite concepts by passing legislation…. Read More »

Criminal v. Civil Dog Bite Cases in Georgia
When you think of dog bite laws, your mind probably turns to cases where a victim seeks compensation for injury-related losses. You might not expect that there are some dog bite laws that are criminal, and Georgia’s Responsible Dog Ownership Act (RDOA) is an example. If the animal’s owner violates any of the provisions… Read More »

Serious Head Injuries from Dog Knockdown Attacks
You probably do not expect head trauma to fall on the list of the many types of injuries caused by dog bites, but it is not difficult to understand how they can occur. Large dogs do not just bite when attacking a victim, and they can easily overcome and knock a person down. As… Read More »