Tripping Injuries From Violations Of Georgia Dog Leash Laws

The primary reason for states and local governments across the US to enact leash laws is public safety, since dogs roaming free are often responsible for serious bites and attacks on humans. The Georgia’s Responsible Dog Ownership statute covers leashes, and the requirements depend on whether the dog is considered dangerous or vicious. These terms have a very specific meaning, which is generally based upon the animal’s past history.
However, bites and maulings by dogs are not the only injuries that can result from violations of leash laws. When these restraints do not comply with regulations, they are a trip hazard for anyone walking nearby. You could suffer harm without even being bitten, though your remedies are very similar to dog bite claims. A Georgia leash laws attorney can provide details about your options, though some information about violations and trip injuries is helpful.
How Dog Handlers Cause Trip Injuries: In general, someone walking a dog on a leash may cause harm to others by not complying with the specifications listed in the statute. A dangerous dog must be restrained by a leash no longer than 6 feet long, managed by a person who is capable of preventing the animal from injuring others. The same requirements apply to a vicious dog, but there is the added criteria of having a muzzle.
If the dog’s owner or handler fails to adhere to the statute, a victim could be tripped by:
- A too-long leash draping across a walkway;
- The failed efforts of someone who is too weak or physically not capable of controlling the dog;
- A dog who is running loose because it escaped an inappropriate leash, collar, and harness.
Common Injuries from Tripping Accidents: The height of the leash off the ground hits adults at a vulnerable space along the shins, and it could be right in the face or chest of a child. Both scenarios can lead to serious harm for the victim, such as:
- Concussion or traumatic brain injury (TBI);
- Broken bones, sprains, and strains in the lower extremities;
- Neck, back, and spinal cord injuries; and,
- Lacerations and abrasions on elbows and knees.
Impact of Breaking Leash Laws: When the dog’s owner does not comply with Georgia’s leash law and local regulations, the circumstances may work in your favor. There are certain facts you need to prove to recover compensation, which focus on wrongdoing by the dog’s owner. An important piece of evidence is showing that he or she violated a law that pertains to leashes, particularly for dogs considered dangerous or vicious. In a successful claim, you may qualify to recover compensation for medical costs, pain and suffering, and emotional anguish.
Consult with a Georgia Dog Leash Laws Attorney About Remedies
You may qualify to recover compensation for medical costs, pain and suffering, and other losses after an injury, and our team at Zagoria Law is ready to assist. For more information on your rights, please call 404.653.0023 or go online to reach our firm. We can schedule a no-cost consultation with an Atlanta dog bite lawyer who will explain how these cases work.